Daily Dose of Awesome – Day 101

Yesterday, my recent blog project reached its end, with my 100th day of awesome.

Since publishing yesterday’s post, I’ve been thinking a bit about what I’d like my next project to be. I’ve grown quite accustomed to writing every day, even if it’s brief; it’s become a habit I fulfill as I drink my morning coffee and wake up. To be honest, it’s a bit of an addiction.

As I thought here and there about the various ways that my new project can take shape I realized that I’ve come to really enjoy starting my day with a reflection on the awesome of the day prior. I’ve found it to be a fun, and fantastic way to set a positive tone to the day ahead. So why try to change a good thing?

I also found it significantly less time-consuming than I’d anticipated. Now’s about the time I saw myself inundated with job applications and interviews, as I’m looking for a bit of a change, and I didn’t want a daunting blog project to take my focus away from that, nor did I want it to be a source of stress on top of everything else (hence the reason I committed to something that ended just in time). But seeing as the project was nowhere near a source of stress, even during the busiest of times (in fact, it was the complete opposite – keeping me focused on the not stressful even during the most stressful of times), and seeing as I have my plans for the coming year well on their way to being worked out, I feel I’ve no better option than to begin another “100 Days of Awesome”.

With that said:

1. Awesome was being able to finally officially announce that I will be teaching grade 6 next year at Jaanimmarik School in Kuujjuaq!

2. Awesome was dinner with friends after school yesterday evening.

3. Awesome was finding a hand-written letter (with amazing and exciting news!) and this awesome antique ookpik in my mailbox yesterday afternoon.

He’s an antique, from the 1950’s, purchased by my friend’s grandfather on a business trip to Canada. 

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